The Money Mastery Team

Meet the Founder

The Money Whisperer, Chelsea M. Williams

My genius lies in my understanding of the financial world, the human condition, and how the two coincide. This is what allows me to help people get unstuck from their money story so they can write a new one without limits!

I've never struggled with money a day in my life, AND that doesn't mean I had a lot of it. Even at the age of 18 when I was on my own, and the age of 20 when I found out I was pregnant, I hustled my way through years of working toward my degree and working multiple jobs. We didn't have everything we wanted, but we had everything we needed and found satisfaction with where we were.

For almost 15 years now, I've been using my unique understanding of money and people to help people understand how money works and tailor a financial strategy that's unique to their vision.


I've perfected a system that not only gets your financial house in order but also sets you up for long-term success and abundance.

Financial success is defined by your idea of freedom in your time and lifestyle. It's a journey, and it's not easy. Money is never the problem but it's where we can look and start to create the cure.

The Team


Hey, I'm Sam! Catering to each client's needs is my superpower. I’m here to make sure your experience with our team is one that produces results. I am a Disney adult and a pin-trading connoisseur. I have 3 pets: 2 cats and 1 dog.


Hey, I'm Katie! I love the CSG because of the environment we've built together. We share the drive to improve, succeed, and most of all take care of our clients. We're always pushing to grow and evolve how we do things. 
"We share a drive to improve, succeed, and most of all take care of our clients."


Hey, I'm Jill! Payroll and Benefits are where my experience comes in! I believe in doing things right and owning mistakes if made. I love the outdoors, animals, warm weather, football, and I love being a grandma!
“Payroll is a very important part of our client's business and I am here to make sure it runs smoothly!“


Hey, I'm Angie! As the first employee, I have valued the opportunity to partner with the CSG team. We have diverse experiences and strengths and have the ability to adapt and change to meet our client's unique needs.
"We each have the empowerment and flexibility to work in the ways we can be most effective."


Hey, I'm Mau! CSG has a mission I believe in, part of its mission is a great client experience. I totally concur with it. Handling finances and accounting can be very difficult for some business owners. Helping you is really fulfilling to me.
"It's always exciting and I love it!"


Hey, I'm Diane! My best successes are reflective of my relationships. I'm a sucker for long-term relationships with my co-workers, my friends, and some of my clients. I value my failures because they've made me the person I am today. 
"The difference between a good day and a bad day is your ATTITUDE."



Hey, I'm Jim! I've been an avid fan of KPOP since the age of 12! I also love K-Culture, choreographies and I do a little dancing too. I may not look like it, but I hold the best dancer title while studying!

"Carpe Diem! – Seize the day! That explains it. You live your life to the fullest. You live your life to your delight. Make every moment count."


Hey, I’m Ruby! As an optimistic person, I pride in seeing opportunity in every difficult situation. I’m down for challenges because I always believe growth happens outside the comfort zone. I’ve experienced so many growing pains in every aspect of life and learned to strive. I love watching Kdrama and I can converse in Korean.
“Opportunities don't happen, you create them.”


Hey, I'm Erica! I have one rescue pitbull boxer mix named Jaylee. I have recently become a book nerd. I also enjoy outdoor activities and trying new adventures. I love the team we’ve created at MM and the friendships I’ve created!
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt


Hey, I’m Jhoana! I am a firm believer that everyone should strive for balance. Balance in terms of money+time+freedom. For me, this is what real wealth is about. That’s why I truly believe in our company’s mission to advocate just that. Personally, I try to achieve balance by dedicating time with my loved ones, enjoy a good movie and just appreciate all of life’s simple pleasures.
It is not death that a man should fear but rather he should fear never beginning to
live. – Marcus Aurelius



Hey there! I'm Ralph, and I'm thrilled to be part of the CSG Tribe! Always ready to serve and
eager to dive into new experiences. I'm all about music—I play various instruments,
with guitar being my main jam. I also dabble in music production. When I'm not
jamming, I love hitting the road on my motorcycle, feeling that sense of freedom. And hey, I'm a huge fan of Anime and Superhero movies, keeping that inner kid alive and kicking. Looking forward to collaborating and learning with all of you—I'm here at your service!
“Preparation time is never a wasted time” - Paul Chase

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